Glowpower Pricing


Switch to Glowpower and start saving

Distributor : Energex

Estimated minimum annual costs based on tariff:

Residential Tariff

Tariff TypeAnnual spendSavings against reference priceEstimated Yearly Consumption
Anytime$1,343.3011%4600 kWh
Anytime plus Night Rate$1,639.769%6300 kWh
Anytime with CL$1,639.769%6300 kWh
Anytime Night Rate With CL$1,575.4314%6300 kWh
Time of Use$1,359.0510%4600 kWh
Tariff TypeAnnual Spend*Estimated Yearly Consumption
Anytime$1,506.004600 kWh
Anytime plus Night Rate$1,811.686300 kWh
Anytime with CL$1,811.686300 kWh
Anytime Night Rate With CL$1,822.526300 kWh
Time of Use$1,507.134600 kWh

Business Tariff

Tariff TypeAnnual spendSavings against reference price*Estimated Yearly Consumption
Anytime$5,159.6510%20000 kWh
Time of Use$5,157.6910%20000 kWh
Tariff TypeAnnual Spend*Estimated Yearly Consumption
Anytime$5,758.8320000 kWh
Time of Use$5,756.6320000 kWh

* This offer is based on a representative customer’s estimated  yearly comsumption.

Basic Price Plan Document:

Glowpower Saver Features

  • Flat easy to understand rates
  • No contract term
  • No exit fees
  • Online Signup
  • Billing and correspondence by email
  • Monthly Billing
  • Direct Debit only
  • Cooling off period

Fee Schedule

  • Direct debit through credit card – 0.70%
  • Paper bill fee – $2.00
  • Late Payment Fee – $15.00
  • Direct Debit Dishonour Fee – $5.00
  • Reconnection Fee – pass through
  • Disconnection Fee – pass through
  • Special Meter Read Fee – pass through
  • These fees are GST inclusive